Class ProcessUtils

  • public final class ProcessUtils
    extends Object
    Includes a somewhat kludgy way to get the pid for "me". Another casualty of the JDK catering to the LEAST common denominator. Some obscure OS might not have a pid! The name returned from the JMX method is like so: 12345
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • getExe

        public static File getExe​(String name)
        Look for name in the Path. If it is found and if it is executable then return a File object pointing to it. Otherwise return nu
        name - the name of the file with no path
        the File object or null
      • getPid

        public static int getPid()
        Try and find the Process ID of "our" process.
        the process id or -1 if not known
      • kill

        public static String kill​(int pid)
        Kill the process with the given Process ID.
        pid -
        a String if the process was not killed for any reason including if it does not exist. Return null if it was killed.
      • killJvm

        public static String killJvm​(String classname)
        Kill the JVM with the given main classname. The classname can be fully-qualified or just the classname (i.e. without the package name prepended).
        pid -
        a String if the process was not killed for any reason including if it does not exist. Return null if it was killed.
      • isProcessRunning

        public static Boolean isProcessRunning​(int aPid)
        If we can determine it -- find out if the process that owns the given process id is running.
        aPid -
        true if it's running, false if not and null if we don't know. I.e the return value is a true tri-state Boolean.