Class Utility

  • public final class Utility
    extends Object
    Handy class full of static functions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Utility

        public Utility()
    • Method Detail

      • checkJVMVersion

        public static void checkJVMVersion()
      • getLocalHost

        public static String getLocalHost()
        Return the hostname of the local machine.
      • getLocalAddress

        public static String getLocalAddress()
        Return the hostname of the local machine.
      • lookupObject

        public static Remote lookupObject​(String publishedName,
                                          Class anInterface)
                                   throws NamingException
        This is a convenience method to lookup a remote object by name within the naming context.
        NamingException - if the object with that name could not be found.
      • toCharArray

        public static char[] toCharArray​(CharBuffer cb)
        Returns a character array for the valid characters in a CharBuffer.
        cb -
      • toByteArray

        public static byte[] toByteArray​(ByteBuffer bb)
        Returns a byte array for the valid bytes in a ByteBuffer.
        bb -
      • bytesToInt

        public static int bytesToInt​(byte[] array,
                                     int offset)
        Unmarshal a byte array to an integer. Assume the bytes are in BIGENDIAN order. i.e. array[offset] is the most-significant-byte and array[offset+3] is the least-significant-byte.
        array - The array of bytes.
        offset - The offset from which to start unmarshalling.
      • intToBytes

        public static void intToBytes​(int value,
                                      byte[] array,
                                      int offset)
        Marshal an integer to a byte array. The bytes are in BIGENDIAN order. i.e. array[offset] is the most-significant-byte and array[offset+3] is the least-significant-byte.
        array - The array of bytes.
        offset - The offset from which to start marshalling.
      • bytesToLong

        public static long bytesToLong​(byte[] array,
                                       int offset)
        Unmarshal a byte array to an long. Assume the bytes are in BIGENDIAN order. i.e. array[offset] is the most-significant-byte and array[offset+7] is the least-significant-byte.
        array - The array of bytes.
        offset - The offset from which to start unmarshalling.
      • longToBytes

        public static void longToBytes​(long value,
                                       byte[] array,
                                       int offset)
        Marshal an long to a byte array. The bytes are in BIGENDIAN order. i.e. array[offset] is the most-significant-byte and array[offset+7] is the least-significant-byte.
        array - The array of bytes.
        offset - The offset from which to start marshalling.
      • intToShort

        public static short intToShort​(int value)
      • shortToInt

        public static int shortToInt​(short value)
      • getClassLoader

        public static ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        Get the current thread's context class loader which is set to the CommonClassLoader by ApplicationServer
        the thread's context classloader if it exists; else the system class loader.
      • setContextClassLoader

        public static ClassLoader setContextClassLoader​(ClassLoader newClassLoader)
        Utility routine for setting the context class loader. Returns previous class loader.
      • setEnvironment

        public static void setEnvironment()
      • getEnvOrProp

        public static String getEnvOrProp​(String name)
        Return the value for a given name from the System Properties or the Environmental Variables. The former overrides the latter.
        name - - the name of the System Property or Environmental Variable
        the value of the variable or null if it was not found
      • convertByteArrayToCharArray

        public static char[] convertByteArrayToCharArray​(byte[] byteArray,
                                                         String charset)
                                                  throws CharacterCodingException
        Convert the byte array to char array with respect to given charset.
        byteArray -
        charset - null or "" means default charset
      • convertCharArrayToByteArray

        public static byte[] convertCharArrayToByteArray​(char[] charArray,
                                                         String strCharset)
                                                  throws CharacterCodingException
        Convert the char array to byte array with respect to given charset.
        charArray -
        strCharset - null or "" means default charset