Class FileUtils

  • public class FileUtils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileUtils

        public FileUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • setFileProperties

        public static void setFileProperties()
      • getParentFile

        public static File getParentFile​(File f)
        The method, does not necessarily do what you would think it does. What it really does is to simply chop off the final element in the path and return what is left-over. E.g. if the file is /foo/. then the "parent" that is returned is /foo which is probably not what you expected. This method really returns the parent directory - or null if there is none.
        f -
      • mkdirsMaybe

        public static boolean mkdirsMaybe​(File f)
        Wrapper for File.mkdirs This version will return true if the directory exists when the method returns. Unlike File.mkdirs which returns false if the directory already exists.
        f - The file pointing to the directory to be created
      • deleteFileMaybe

        public static boolean deleteFileMaybe​(File f)
        Wrapper for File.delete This version will return true if the file does not exist when the method returns. Unlike File.delete which returns false if the file does not exist.
        f - The file to be deleted
      • listFiles

        public static File[] listFiles​(File f)
      • safeIsDirectory

        public static boolean safeIsDirectory​(File f)
      • safeIsRealDirectory

        public static boolean safeIsRealDirectory​(String s)
      • safeIsRealDirectory

        public static boolean safeIsRealDirectory​(File f)
      • safeIsDirectory

        public static boolean safeIsDirectory​(String s)
      • safeGetCanonicalPath

        public static String safeGetCanonicalPath​(File f)
      • safeGetCanonicalFile

        public static File safeGetCanonicalFile​(File f)
      • hasExtension

        public static boolean hasExtension​(String filename,
                                           String ext)
      • hasExtension

        public static boolean hasExtension​(File f,
                                           String ext)
      • hasExtensionIgnoreCase

        public static boolean hasExtensionIgnoreCase​(String filename,
                                                     String ext)
      • hasExtensionIgnoreCase

        public static boolean hasExtensionIgnoreCase​(File f,
                                                     String ext)
      • isLegalFilename

        public static boolean isLegalFilename​(String filename)
      • isFriendlyFilename

        public static boolean isFriendlyFilename​(String filename)
      • makeLegalFilename

        public static String makeLegalFilename​(String filename)
      • makeLegalNoBlankFileName

        public static String makeLegalNoBlankFileName​(String filename)
      • makeFriendlyFilename

        public static String makeFriendlyFilename​(String filename)
      • makeFriendlyFilenameNoExtension

        public static String makeFriendlyFilenameNoExtension​(String filename)
      • makeFriendlyFilenameExtension

        public static String makeFriendlyFilenameExtension​(String filename)
      • revertFriendlyFilenameExtension

        public static String revertFriendlyFilenameExtension​(String filename)
      • revertFriendlyFilename

        public static String revertFriendlyFilename​(String filename)
      • liquidate

        public static void liquidate​(File parent)
      • isJar

        public static boolean isJar​(String filename)
      • isZip

        public static boolean isZip​(String filename)
      • isJar

        public static boolean isJar​(File f)
      • isZip

        public static boolean isZip​(File f)
      • whack

        public static boolean whack​(File parent)
        Deletes a directory and its contents.

        If this method encounters a symbolic link in the subtree below "parent" then it deletes the link but not any of the files pointed to by the link. Note that whack will delete files if a symbolic link appears in the path above the specified parent directory in the path.

        parent - the File at the top of the subtree to delete
        success or failure of deleting the directory
      • whack

        public static boolean whack​(File parent,
                                    Collection<File> undeletedFiles)
        Deletes a directory and its contents.

        If this method encounters a symbolic link in the subtree below "parent" then it deletes the link but not any of the files pointed to by the link. Note that whack will delete files if a symbolic link appears in the path above the specified parent directory in the path.

        parent - the File at the top of the subtree to delete
        success or failure of deleting the directory
      • deleteFileNowOrLater

        public static void deleteFileNowOrLater​(File f)
        Delete a file. If impossible to delete then try to delete it when the JVM exits. E.g. when Windows is using a jar in the current JVM -- you can not delete the jar until the JVM dies.
        f - file to delete
      • deleteOnExit

        public static void deleteOnExit​(File f)
        Deletes the provided file by registering a shutdown hook with the Java Runtime. Non-empty directories will be deleted recursively.
        f - the file to delete on JVM shutdown
      • deleteFileWithWaitLoop

        public static boolean deleteFileWithWaitLoop​(File f)
        Delete a file. Will retry every ten milliseconds for five seconds, doing a gc after each second.
        f - file to delete
        boolean indicating success or failure of the deletion atttempt; returns true if file is absent
      • deleteFile

        public static boolean deleteFile​(File f)
        Delete a file. If on Windows and the delete fails, run the gc and retry the deletion.
        f - file to delete
        boolean indicating success or failure of the deletion atttempt; returns true if file is absent
      • openFileOutputStream

        public static FileOutputStream openFileOutputStream​(File out)
                                                     throws IOException
        Opens a stream to the specified output file, retrying if necessary.
        out - the output File for which a stream is needed
        the FileOutputStream
        IOException - for any errors opening the stream
      • getAllFilesUnder

        public static Set<File> getAllFilesUnder​(File directory,
                                                 FilenameFilter filenameFilter)
                                          throws IOException
        Return a set of all the files (File objects) under the directory specified, with relative pathnames filtered with the filename filter (can be null for all files).
      • relativize

        public static File relativize​(File parent,
                                      File child)
        Given a directory and a fully-qualified file somewhere under that directory, return the portion of the child that is relative to the parent.
      • formatFileCollection

        public static String formatFileCollection​(Collection<File> files)
        Creates a String listing the absolute paths of files, separated by the platform's line separator.
        files - the Collection of File objects to be listed
        String containing the absolute paths of the files with the line separator between them
      • getDirectory

        public static File getDirectory​(File f)
      • createTempFile

        public static File createTempFile​(File directory)
      • listAllFiles

        public static File[] listAllFiles​(File dirName,
                                          String ext)
        Returns an array of abstract pathnames that matches with the given file extension. If the given abstract pathname does not denote a directory, then this method returns null. If there is no matching file under the given directory and its sub directories, it returns null;
        dirName - dir name under which search will begin
        ext - file extension to look for
        an array of abstract pathnames that matches with the extension
      • searchDir

        public static List<File> searchDir​(File dirName,
                                           String ext)
        Returns a list of abstract pathnames that matches with the given file extension. If the given abstract pathname does not denote a directory, then this method returns null. If there is no matching file under the given directory and its sub directories, it returns an empty list.
        dirName - dir name under which search will begin
        ext - file extension to look for
        a list of abstract pathnames of type that matches with the given extension
      • copy

        public static void copy​(String from,
                                String to)
                         throws IOException
        Copies a file.
        from - Name of file to copy
        to - Name of new file
        IOException - if an error while copying the content
      • copy

        public static void copy​(File fin,
                                File fout)
                         throws IOException
        Copies a file.
        fin - File to copy
        fout - New file
        IOException - if an error while copying the content
      • copyTree

        public static void copyTree​(File din,
                                    File dout)
                             throws IOException
        Copies the entire tree to a new location.
        din - File pointing at root of tree to copy
        dout - File pointing at root of new tree
        IOException - if an error while copying the content
      • makeForwardSlashes

        public static String makeForwardSlashes​(String inputStr)
        Returns a String with uniform slashes such that all the occurances of '\\' are replaced with '/'. In other words, the returned string will have all forward slashes. Accepts non-null strings only.
        inputStr - non null String
        a String which does not contain `\\` character
      • quoteString

        public static String quoteString​(String s)
        Given a string (typically a path), quote the string such that spaces are protected from interpretation by a Unix or Windows command shell. Note that this method does not handle quoting for all styles of special characters. Just for the basic case of strings with spaces.
        s - input string
        a String which is quoted to protect spaces
      • getIllegalFilenameCharacters

        public static String getIllegalFilenameCharacters()
      • copyFile

        public static void copyFile​(File fin,
                                    File fout)
                             throws IOException
        This method is used to copy a given file to another file using the buffer sixe specified
        fin - the source file
        fout - the destination file
      • copy

        public static void copy​(InputStream in,
                                OutputStream os,
                                long size)
                         throws IOException
        Copies from InputStream to OutputStream and does not close the streams intentionally.
        in - Stream to read from.
        os - Stream to write to.
        size - Buffersize for copying
        IOException - Problem when copying
      • renameFile

        public static boolean renameFile​(File fromFile,
                                         File toFile)
        Rename, running gc on Windows if needed to try to force open streams to close.
        fromFile - to be renamed
        toFile - name for the renamed file
        boolean result of the rename attempt
      • appendText

        public static void appendText​(String fileName,
                                      String line)
                               throws RuntimeException
        Appends the given line at the end of given text file. If the given file does not exist, an attempt is made to create it. Note that this method can handle only text files.
        fileName - name of the text file that needs to be appended to
        line - the line to append to
        RuntimeException - in case of any error - that makes it callable from a code not within try-catch. Note that NPE will be thrown if either argument is null. Note that this method is not tested with String containing characters with 2 bytes.
      • readSmallFile

        public static String readSmallFile​(String fileName)
                                    throws IOException,
        A utility routine to read a text file efficiently and return the contents as a String. Sometimes while reading log files of spawned processes this kind of facility is handy. Instead of opening files, coding FileReaders etc. this method could be employed. It is expected that the file to be read is small .
        fileName - String representing absolute path of the file
        String representing the contents of the file, empty String for an empty file
        IOException - if there is an i/o error.
        FileNotFoundException - if the file could not be found
      • getManagedFile

        public static File getManagedFile​(String file,
                                          File dir)
                                   throws IOException
        If the path dir/file does not exist, look for it in the classpath. If found in classpath, create dir/file.
        file - - path to look for
        dir - - directory where the path file should exist
        the File representing dir/file. If that does not exist, return null.
      • writeStringToFile

        public static void writeStringToFile​(String s,
                                             File f)
                                      throws IOException
        Write the String to a file. Then make the file readable and writable. If the file already exists it will be truncated and the contents replaced with the String argument.
        s - The String to write to the file
        f - The file to write the String to
        IOException - if any errors
      • findFilesInDir

        public static File[] findFilesInDir​(File dir,
                                            String regexp)
        Find files matching the regular expression in the given directory
        dir - the directory to search
        regexp - the regular expression pattern
        either an array of matching File objects or an empty array. Guaranteed to never return null
      • resourceToString

        public static String resourceToString​(String resourceName)
        Read in the given resourceName as a resource, and convert to a String
        resourceName -
        the contents of the resource as a String or null if absent
      • resourceToBytes

        public static byte[] resourceToBytes​(String resourceName)
        Read in the given resourceName as a resource, and convert to a byte array
        resourceName -
        the contents of the resource as a byte array or null if absent