Class GlassFishClusterExecutor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GlassFishClusterExecutor
    extends Object
    implements ClusterExecutor
    A ClusterExecutor is responsible for remotely executing commands. The list of target servers (either clusters or remote instances) is obtained from the parameter list.
    Vijay Ramachandran
    • Constructor Detail

      • GlassFishClusterExecutor

        public GlassFishClusterExecutor()
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public ActionReport.ExitCode execute​(String commandName,
                                             AdminCommand command,
                                             AdminCommandContext context,
                                             ParameterMap parameters)

        Execute the passed command on targeted remote instances. The list of remote instances is usually retrieved from the passed parameters (with a "target" parameter for instance) or from the configuration.

        Each remote execution must return a different ActionReport so the user or framework can get feedback on the success or failure or such executions.

        Specified by:
        execute in interface ClusterExecutor
        commandName - the command to execute
        context - the original command context
        parameters - the parameters passed to the original local command
        command - the command to execute
        an array of @{link org.glassfish.api.ActionReport} for each remote execution status.