Class DomainXmlPersistence

    • Field Detail

      • logger

        protected Logger logger
    • Constructor Detail

      • DomainXmlPersistence

        public DomainXmlPersistence()
    • Method Detail

      • accessRead

        public Lock accessRead()
                        throws IOException,
        Description copied from interface: ConfigurationAccess
        Wait and return an read access Lock to the configuration elements. Once the lock is returned, other threads can access the configuration is read mode, but no thread can access it in write mode. The lock instance must be released in the same thread that obtained it.
        Specified by:
        accessRead in interface ConfigurationAccess
        the read access lock to be released once the configuration access is not needed any longer.
        IOException - if the configuration cannot be accessed due to a file access error.
        TimeoutException - if the lock cannot be obtained before the system defined time out runs out.
      • accessWrite

        public Lock accessWrite()
                         throws IOException,
        Description copied from interface: ConfigurationAccess
        Wait and return an exclusive write access Lock to the configuration elements. Once the lock is returned, no other thread can access the configuration is read or write mode. The lock instance must be released in the same thread that obtained it.
        Specified by:
        accessWrite in interface ConfigurationAccess
        the read access lock to be released once the configuration access is not needed any longer.
        IOException - if the configuration cannot be accessed due to a file access error.
        TimeoutException - if the lock cannot be obtained before the system defined time out runs out.
      • touch

        public void touch()
                   throws IOException
        Update the modified time of the persisted domain.xml so that instances will detect it as changed. This is for triggering instance synchronization to occur.
      • saved

        protected void saved​(File destination)