Interface AdHocServletInfo

  • public interface AdHocServletInfo
    Specifies behavior that the requester of an ad hoc path must implement.

    The web container will call back to these methods when it needs to create an instance of the servlet to support the path.

    Tim Quinn
    • Method Detail

      • getServletClass

        Class getServletClass()
        Returns the class type of the servlet that should be created to process requests. Note that the class must represent a subclass of HttpServlet.
        The servlet class
      • getServletName

        String getServletName()
        Returns the name of the servlet that the container should assign when it adds a servlet to a web module.
        The servlet name
      • getServletInitParams

        Map<String,​String> getServletInitParams()
        Returns a Map containing name and value pairs to be used in preparing the init params in the servlet's ServletConfig object.
        Map containing the servlet init parameters