Class SessionCookieConfig

  • public final class SessionCookieConfig
    extends Object
    Representation of the session cookie configuration element for a web application. This configuration is not specified as part of the standard deployment descriptor but as part of the iAS 7.0's "extended" web application deployment descriptor - ias-web.xml.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String DYNAMIC_SECURE
        The value that allows the JSESSIONID cookie's secure attribute to be configured based on the connection i.e. secure if HTTPS.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SessionCookieConfig

        public SessionCookieConfig()
        Construct a new SessionCookieConfig with default properties.
      • SessionCookieConfig

        public SessionCookieConfig​(String name,
                                   String path,
                                   int maxAge,
                                   String domain,
                                   String comment)
        Construct a new SessionCookieConfig with the specified properties.
        name - The name of the cookie used for session tracking
        path - The pathname that is set when the cookie is created
        maxAge - The expiration time (in seconds) of the session cookie (-1 indicates 'never expire')
        domain - The domain for which the cookie is valid
        comment - The comment that identifies the session tracking cookie in the cookie file.
    • Method Detail

      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Set the name of the session tracking cookie (currently not supported).
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Return the name of the session tracking cookie.
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(String path)
        Set the path to use when creating the session tracking cookie.
      • getPath

        public String getPath()
        Return the path that is set when the session tracking cookie is created.
      • setMaxAge

        public void setMaxAge​(Integer maxAge)
        Set the expiration time for the session cookie.
      • getMaxAge

        public Integer getMaxAge()
        Return the expiration time for the session cookie.
      • setDomain

        public void setDomain​(String domain)
        Set the domain for which the cookie is valid.
      • getDomain

        public String getDomain()
        Return the domain for which the cookie is valid.
      • setComment

        public void setComment​(String comment)
        Set the comment that identifies the session cookie.
      • getComment

        public String getComment()
        Return the URLEncoded form of the comment that identifies the session cookie.
      • getSecure

        public String getSecure()
        Return whether the cookie is to be marked Secure or not.
        "dynamic", "true" or "false"
      • setHttpOnly

        public void setHttpOnly​(Boolean httpOnly)
      • getHttpOnly

        public Boolean getHttpOnly()
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a String representation of this object.
        toString in class Object