Class InsnInterfaceInvoke

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class InsnInterfaceInvoke
    extends InsnConstOp
    Special instruction form for the opc_invokeinterface instruction
    • Constructor Detail

      • InsnInterfaceInvoke

        public InsnInterfaceInvoke​(ConstInterfaceMethodRef methodRefOp,
                                   int nArgsOp)
        constructor for opc_invokeinterface
    • Method Detail

      • nStackArgs

        public int nStackArgs()
        Description copied from class: Insn
        How many words of stack operands does this instruction take?
        nStackArgs in class InsnConstOp
      • nStackResults

        public int nStackResults()
        Description copied from class: Insn
        How many words of stack results does this instruction deposit?
        nStackResults in class InsnConstOp
      • branches

        public boolean branches()
        Description copied from class: Insn
        Does this instruction branch?
        branches in class InsnConstOp
      • nArgs

        public int nArgs()
        Return the number of arguments to the interface