Class VMOp

    • Constructor Detail

      • VMOp

        public VMOp​(int theOpcode,
                    String theOpcodeName,
                    int nArgs,
                    int nResults,
                    String argDescr,
                    String resultDescr)
        constructor for a VMOp
    • Method Detail

      • opcode

        public final int opcode()
        Return the opcode value
      • name

        public final String name()
        Return the opcode name
      • nStackArgs

        public final int nStackArgs()
        Return the number of words of stack arguments expected by this operation. If the number is not a fixed value, return -1;
      • nStackResults

        public final int nStackResults()
        Return the number of words of stack results produced by this operation. If the number is not a fixed value, return -1;
      • argTypes

        public final String argTypes()
        Return the type descriptor for the stack arguments to the operation.
      • resultTypes

        public final String resultTypes()
        Return the type descriptor for the stack results of the operation.