Interface JDOMetaData

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    EJBMetaDataModelImpl, JDOMetaDataModelImpl, JDOMetaDataPropertyImpl, JDOMetaDataTimer

    public interface JDOMetaData
    Provides the JDO meta information neccessary for byte-code enhancement.

    Please note: This interface deals with fully qualified names in the JVM notation, that is, with '/' as package separator character  (instead of '.').

    The following convention is used to specify the format of a given name: Something called ...

    • name represents a non-qualified name (e.g. JDOPersistenceCapableName = "PersistenceCapable")
    • type represents a Java-qualified class name (e.g. JDOPersistenceCapablePath = '")
    • path represents a JVM-qualified name (e.g. JDOPersistenceCapablePath = 'com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/sqlstore/PersistenceCapable")
    • sig (for signature) represents a JVM-qualified type-signature name (e.g. JDOPersistenceCapableSig = "Lcom/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/sqlstore/PersistenceCapable;")