Class ClassPath

  • public class ClassPath
    extends Object
    ClassPath provides class file lookup according to a classpath specification.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassPath

        public ClassPath​(String path)
        Construct a class path from the input String argument. The path is expected to be in the form appropriate for the current execution environment.
    • Method Detail

      • findClass

        public ClassFileSource findClass​(String className)
        locate a class file given a fully qualified class name
      • fileNameOf

        public static String fileNameOf​(String className,
                                        char separator)
        Return a file name which might reasonably identify a file containing the specified class. The name is a "./" relative path.
      • fileNameOf

        public static String fileNameOf​(String className)
        Return a file name which might reasonably identify a file containing the specified class. The name is a "./" relative path.
      • zipFileNameOf

        public static String zipFileNameOf​(String className)
        Return a file name which might reasonably identify a file containing the specified class in a zip file.
      • classNameOf

        public static String classNameOf​(String fileName)
        Return the vm class name which corresponds to the input file name. The file name is expected to be a "./" relative path. Returns null if the file name doesn't end in ".class"
      • remove

        public boolean remove​(File directory)
        Remove any class path elements which match directory
      • append

        public void append​(File directory)
        Append a directory to the classpath.
      • append

        public void append​(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.util.ClassPathElement anElement)
        Append a class path element to the classpath.
      • classesInPackage

        public Enumeration classesInPackage​(String packageName)
        Return an enumeration of all of the class files in the specified package in this class path.
        packageName - specifies the VM format package name to which class files must belong.
        an Enumeration of the VM format class names which can be found. Note that the Enumeration value is of type String and duplicate entries may be returned as the result of finding a class through more than one class path element. Note also that the class name returned might not correspond the the name of the class in the file.