Class RuntimeModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • RuntimeModel

        protected RuntimeModel()
        Creates a new RuntimeModel. This constructor should not be called directly; instead, the static instance accesible from the Model class should be used.
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • isInterface

        public boolean isInterface​(String className)
        Determines if the specified className represents an interface type.
        Specified by:
        isInterface in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the class to be checked
        true if this class name represents an interface; false otherwise.
      • getInputStreamForResource

        protected BufferedInputStream getInputStreamForResource​(String className,
                                                                ClassLoader classLoader,
                                                                String resourceName)
        Returns the input stream with the supplied resource name found with the supplied class name. NOTE, this implementation assumes the specified class loader is not null and needs not to be validated. Any validation is done by getMappingClass which is the only caller of this method.
        Specified by:
        getInputStreamForResource in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the class which will be used as a base to find the resource
        classLoader - the class loader used to find mapping information
        resourceName - the name of the resource to be found
        the input stream for the specified resource, null if an error occurs or none exists
      • findPenultimateSuperclass

        protected String findPenultimateSuperclass​(String className)
        Returns the name of the second to top (top excluding java.lang.Object) superclass for the given class name.
        Specified by:
        findPenultimateSuperclass in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the class to be checked
        the top non-Object superclass for className, className if an error occurs or none exists
      • getSuperclass

        protected String getSuperclass​(String className)
        Returns the name of the superclass for the given class name.
        Specified by:
        getSuperclass in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the class to be checked
        the superclass for className, null if an error occurs or none exists
      • getMappingClass

        public MappingClassElement getMappingClass​(String className,
                                                   ClassLoader classLoader)
        Returns the MappingClassElement created for the specified class name. This method looks up the class in the internal cache. If not present it loads the corresponding xml file containing the mapping information.
        getMappingClass in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the mapping class
        classLoader - the class loader used to find mapping information
        the MappingClassElement for className, null if an error occurs or none exists
        See Also:
        MappingClassElementImpl.forName(String, Model)
      • getClassLoaderCache

        public Map getClassLoaderCache()
        Returns an unmodifiable copy of the ClassLoader cache.
        getClassLoaderCache in class Model
        unmodifiable ClassLoader cache
      • removeResourcesFromCaches

        public void removeResourcesFromCaches​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        Removes the classes cached with the specified class loader from all caches. The method iterates the ClassLoader cache to find classes cached with the specified class loader. These classes are removed from the ClassLoader cache, the cache of MappingClassElements and the set of classes known to be non PC. The associated SchemaElements are removed from the SchemaElement cache.
        removeResourcesFromCaches in class Model
        classLoader - used to determine the classes to be removed
      • createFile

        protected BufferedOutputStream createFile​(String className,
                                                  String baseFileName,
                                                  String extension)
                                           throws IOException
        Creates a file with the given base file name and extension parallel to the supplied class (if it does not yet exist).
        Specified by:
        createFile in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the class
        baseFileName - the name of the base file
        extension - the file extension
        the output stream for the specified resource, null if an error occurs or none exists
        IOException - if there is some error creating the file
      • deleteFile

        protected void deleteFile​(String className,
                                  String fileName)
                           throws IOException
        Deletes the file with the given file name which is parallel to the supplied class.
        Specified by:
        deleteFile in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the class
        fileName - the name of the file
        IOException - if there is some error deleting the file
      • getFile

        protected File getFile​(String className,
                               String fileName)
                        throws IOException
        Returns a file with the given file name which is parallel to the supplied class.
        className - the fully qualified name of the class
        fileName - the name of the file
        the file object for the specified resource, null if an error occurs
        IOException - if there is some error getting the file
      • getClass

        public Object getClass​(String className,
                               ClassLoader classLoader)
        Returns the class element with the specified className. The class is found using Class.forName.
        Specified by:
        getClass in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the class to be checked
        classLoader - the class loader used to find mapping information
        the class element for the specified className, null if an error occurs or none exists
      • findClassLoader

        protected ClassLoader findClassLoader​(String className,
                                              ClassLoader classLoader)
                                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        This method returns the class loader used to find mapping information for the specified className. If the classLoader argument is not null, the method updates the classLoaders cache and returns the specified classLoader. Otherwise it checks the cache for the specified className and returns this class loader. If there is no cached class loader it returns the current class loader.
        className - the fully qualified name of the class to be checked
        classLoader - the class loader used to find mapping information
        the class loader used to find mapping information for the specified className
        IllegalArgumentException - if there is class loader problem
      • implementsInterface

        public boolean implementsInterface​(Object classElement,
                                           String interfaceName)
        Determines if the specified class implements the specified interface. Note, class element is a model specific class representation as returned by a getClass call executed on the same model instance. This implementation expects the class element being a reflection instance.
        Specified by:
        implementsInterface in class Model
        classElement - the class element to be checked
        interfaceName - the fully qualified name of the interface to be checked
        true if the class implements the interface; false otherwise.
        See Also:
        getClass(java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader)
      • hasConstructor

        public boolean hasConstructor​(String className)
        Determines if the class with the specified name declares a constructor.
        Specified by:
        hasConstructor in class Model
        className - the name of the class to be checked
        true if the class declares a constructor; false otherwise.
        See Also:
        getClass(java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader)
      • getConstructor

        public Object getConstructor​(String className,
                                     String[] argTypeNames)
        Returns the constructor element for the specified argument types in the class with the specified name. Types are specified as type names for primitive type such as int, float or as fully qualified class names.
        Specified by:
        getConstructor in class Model
        className - the name of the class which contains the constructor to be checked
        argTypeNames - the fully qualified names of the argument types
        the constructor element
        See Also:
        getClass(java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader)
      • getMethod

        public Object getMethod​(String className,
                                String methodName,
                                String[] argTypeNames)
        Returns the method element for the specified method name and argument types in the class with the specified name. Types are specified as type names for primitive type such as int, float or as fully qualified class names. Note, the method does not return inherited methods.
        Specified by:
        getMethod in class Model
        className - the name of the class which contains the method to be checked
        methodName - the name of the method to be checked
        argTypeNames - the fully qualified names of the argument types
        the method element
        See Also:
        getClass(java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader)
      • getType

        public String getType​(Object element)
        Returns the string representation of type of the specified element. If element denotes a field, it returns the type of the field. If element denotes a method, it returns the return type of the method. Note, element is either a field element as returned by getField, or a method element as returned by getMethod executed on the same model instance. This implementation expects the element being a reflection instance.
        Specified by:
        getType in class Model
        element - the element to be checked
        the string representation of the type of the element
        See Also:
        getField(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), getMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
      • getFields

        public List getFields​(String className)
        Returns a list of names of all the declared field elements in the class with the specified name.
        Specified by:
        getFields in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the class to be checked
        the names of the field elements for the specified class
      • getField

        public Object getField​(String className,
                               String fieldName)
        Returns the field element for the specified fieldName in the class with the specified className.
        Specified by:
        getField in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the class which contains the field to be checked
        fieldName - the name of the field to be checked
        the field element for the specified fieldName
      • isSerializable

        public boolean isSerializable​(Object fieldElement)
        Determines if the specified field element has a serializable type. A type is serializable if it is a primitive type, a class that implements or an interface that inherits from Note, the field element is a model specific field representation as returned by a getField call executed on the same model instance. This implementation expects the field element being a reflection instance.
        Specified by:
        isSerializable in class Model
        fieldElement - the field element to be checked
        true if the field element has a serializable type; false otherwise.
        See Also:
        getField(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
      • isArray

        public boolean isArray​(String className,
                               String fieldName)
        Determines if a field with the specified fieldName in the class with the specified className is an array.
        Specified by:
        isArray in class Model
        className - the fully qualified name of the class which contains the field to be checked
        fieldName - the name of the field to be checked
        true if this field name represents a java array field; false otherwise.
        See Also:
        Model.getFieldType(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
      • getTypeObject

        protected Class getTypeObject​(Object element)
        Returns the Class type of the specified element. If element denotes a field, it returns the type of the field. If element denotes a method, it returns the return type of the method. Note, element is either a field element as returned by getField, or a method element as returned by getMethod executed on the same model instance.
        element - the element to be checked
        the Class type of the element
        See Also:
        getField(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), getMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])