Class PersistenceMemberElementImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • PersistenceMemberElementImpl

        public PersistenceMemberElementImpl()
        Create new PersistenceMemberElementImpl with no corresponding name. This constructor should only be used for cloning and archiving.
      • PersistenceMemberElementImpl

        public PersistenceMemberElementImpl​(String name)
        Creates new PersistenceMemberElementImpl with the corresponding name
        name - the name of the element
    • Method Detail

      • firePropertyChange

        protected final void firePropertyChange​(String name,
                                                Object o,
                                                Object n)
        Fires property change event. This method overrides that of PersistenceElementImpl to update the PersistenceClassElementImpl's modified status.
        firePropertyChange in class PersistenceElementImpl
        name - property name
        o - old value
        n - new value
      • fireVetoableChange

        protected final void fireVetoableChange​(String name,
                                                Object o,
                                                Object n)
                                         throws PropertyVetoException
        Fires vetoable change event. This method overrides that of PersistenceElementImpl to give listeners a chance to block changes on the persistence class element modified status.
        fireVetoableChange in class PersistenceElementImpl
        name - property name
        o - old value
        n - new value
        PropertyVetoException - when the change is vetoed by a listener