Class AbstractMethodHelper

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractMethodHelper
    extends Object
    This is a helper class which extracts the information needed for method code generation of the concrete bean class.
    Rochelle Raccah
    • Field Detail


        public static final int LOCAL_RETURN
        Constant representing a local interface return type.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int REMOTE_RETURN
        Constant representing a remote interface return type.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • NO_RETURN

        public static final int NO_RETURN
        Constant representing no return type.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractMethodHelper

        public AbstractMethodHelper​(EjbCMPEntityDescriptor descriptor)
        Creates a new instance of AbstractMethodHelper
        descriptor - the EjbCMPEntityDescriptor which defines the information for this bean.
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        protected EjbCMPEntityDescriptor getDescriptor()
        Gets the EjbCMPEntityDescriptor which defines the information for this bean.
        the EjbCMPEntityDescriptor for the bean specified in the constructor.
      • categorizeMethods

        protected void categorizeMethods()
        Reads all known methods and sorts them by name into specific Collections for further processing.
      • getFinders

        public List getFinders()
        Gets the list of finder methods for this bean.
        a list of java.lang.reflect.Method objects which represent the finders for this bean
      • setFinders

        protected void setFinders​(List finderList)
      • getSelectors

        public List getSelectors()
        Gets the list of selector methods for this bean.
        a list of java.lang.reflect.Method objects which represent the selectors for this bean
      • setSelectors

        protected void setSelectors​(List selectorList)
      • getCreateMethods

        public List getCreateMethods()
        Gets the list of ejb create methods for this bean.
        a list of java.lang.reflect.Method objects which represent the ejb create methods for this bean
      • getMethodNames

        public Map getMethodNames()
        Gets a map of the method names for this bean. The keys are the method names and the values are the java.lang.reflect.Method objects. These should represent all methods of this bean.
        a map of the method names to java.lang.reflect.Method objects for this bean
      • getLocalHome

        public String getLocalHome()
        Gets the name of the local home which corresponds to this bean.
        the name of the local home class
      • getRemoteHome

        public String getRemoteHome()
        Gets the name of the remote home which corresponds to this bean.
        the name of the remote home class
      • getQueryDescriptor

        protected QueryDescriptor getQueryDescriptor​(Method method)
        Gets the query descriptor associated with the specified method if it exists.
        method - the java.lang.reflect.Method object used to find the query string
        a query descriptor for the specified method. Returns null for CMP 1.1 queries.
      • getQueryString

        public String getQueryString​(Method method)
        Gets the query string associated with the specified method if it exists.
        method - the java.lang.reflect.Method object used to find the query string
        a query string for the specified method
      • getQueryReturnType

        public int getQueryReturnType​(Method method)
        Gets the return type associated with the specified method if it exists. If no corresponding query descriptor is found, the value NO_RETURN is returned.
        method - the java.lang.reflect.Method object used to find the query return type
        the return type for the specified method, one of LOCAL_RETURN, REMOTE_RETURN, or NO_RETURN
      • isQueryPrefetchEnabled

        public abstract boolean isQueryPrefetchEnabled​(Method method)
        Returns true if prefetch is enabled for the specified method, false otherwise. Prefetch is enabled by default.
        method - the java.lang.reflect.Method object used to find the prefetch setting.
        a boolean representing the prefetch setting
      • getJDOFilterExpression

        public abstract String getJDOFilterExpression​(Method method)
        Gets the jdo filter expression associated with the specified method if it exists. Note that this method should only be used for CMP 1.1 - use getQueryString(java.lang.reflect.Method) for CMP 2.0.
        method - the java.lang.reflect.Method object used to find the query filter
        the jdo filter expression
      • getJDOParameterDeclaration

        public abstract String getJDOParameterDeclaration​(Method method)
        Gets the jdo parameter declaration associated with the specified method if it exists. Note that this method should only be used for CMP 1.1 - use getQueryString(java.lang.reflect.Method) for CMP 2.0.
        method - the java.lang.reflect.Method object used to find the parameter declaration
        the jdo parameter declaration
      • getJDOVariableDeclaration

        public abstract String getJDOVariableDeclaration​(Method method)
        Gets the jdo variables declaration associated with the specified method if it exists. Note that this method should only be used for CMP 1.1 - use getQueryString(java.lang.reflect.Method) for CMP 2.0.
        method - the java.lang.reflect.Method object used to find the parameter declaration
        the jdo variables declaration
      • getJDOOrderingSpecification

        public abstract String getJDOOrderingSpecification​(Method method)
        Gets the jdo ordering specification associated with the specified method if it exists. Note that this method should only be used for CMP 1.1 - use getQueryString(java.lang.reflect.Method) for CMP 2.0.
        method - the java.lang.reflect.Method object used to find the parameter declaration
        the jdo ordering specification