Class SymbolTable

  • public class SymbolTable
    extends Object
    The symbol table handling declared identifies.
    Michael Bouschen
    • Field Detail

      • symbols

        protected Map symbols
        The table of declared identifier (symbols).
    • Constructor Detail

      • SymbolTable

        public SymbolTable()
    • Method Detail

      • declare

        public Object declare​(String ident,
                              Object decl)
        This method adds the specified identifier to this SymbolTable. The specified decl object provides details anbout the declaration. If this SymbolTable already defines an identifier with the same name, the SymbolTable is not changed and the existing declaration is returned. Otherwise null is returned.
        ident - identifier to be declared
        decl - new definition of identifier
        the old definition if the identifier was already declared; null otherwise
      • isDeclared

        public boolean isDeclared​(String ident)
        Checks whether the specified identifier is declared.
        ident - the name of identifier to be tested
        true if the identifier is declared; false otherwise.
      • getDeclaration

        public Object getDeclaration​(String ident)
        Checks the symbol table for the actual declaration of the specified identifier. The method returns the declaration object if available or null for an undeclared identifier.
        ident - the name of identifier
        the declaration object if ident is declared; null otherise.