Interface PersistenceStore

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PersistenceStore

    This interface represents a Persistence store that knows how to create, find, modify and delete persistence capable objects from a backing store such as a database.

    • Method Detail

      • getClassByOidClass

        Class getClassByOidClass​(Class oidType)
      • getRetrieveDesc

        RetrieveDesc getRetrieveDesc​(Class classType)
        Returns a new retrieve descriptor for an external (user) query.
        classType - Type of the persistence capable class to be queried.
        A new retrieve descriptor for an external (user) query.
      • getRetrieveDesc

        RetrieveDesc getRetrieveDesc​(String fieldName,
                                     Class classType)
        Returns a new retrieve descriptor for an external (user) query. This retrieve descriptor can be used to query for the foreign field name.
        fieldName - Name of the foreign field to be queried.
        classType - Persistence capable class including fieldName.
        A new retrieve descriptor for an external (user) query.
      • getConfigCache

        ConfigCache getConfigCache()
        Returns ConfigCache associated with this store.
        ConfigCache associated with this store.