Class BaseSpecialDBOperation

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseSpecialDBOperation

        public BaseSpecialDBOperation()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize​(DatabaseMetaData metaData,
                               String identifier)
                        throws SQLException
        Description copied from interface: SpecialDBOperation
        This method is called immediately after an instance implementing this interface is created. The implementation can initialize itself using supplied metaData.
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface SpecialDBOperation
        metaData - DatbaseMetaData of the database for which an instance implementing this interface is ingratiated.
        identifier - Identifier of object used to obtain databaseMetaData. This can be null in non managed environment.
      • bindFixedCharColumn

        public void bindFixedCharColumn​(PreparedStatement ps,
                                        int index,
                                        String strVal,
                                        int length)
                                 throws SQLException
        Description copied from interface: SpecialDBOperation
        Binds specified value to parameter at specified index that is bound to CHAR column.
        Specified by:
        bindFixedCharColumn in interface SpecialDBOperation
        ps - java.sql.PreparedStatement
        index - Index of paramater marker in ps.
        strVal - value that needs to bound.
        length - length of the column to which strVal is bound.