Class Nesting

  • public class Nesting
    extends Object
    This class is used to handle the hidden definition of an identifier. If an identifier is declared its old definition is hidden and stored in the actual nesting.
    Michael Bouschen
    • Field Detail

      • idents

        protected List idents
        List of idents with hidden definitions in the actual scope.
      • hiddenDefs

        protected List hiddenDefs
        List of hidden definitions; each definition in this list corresponds to an identifier of the list idents.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Nesting

        public Nesting()
        Creates an new nesting.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(String ident,
                        Definition hidden)
        Adds a hidden definition to this.
        ident - name of the identifier
        hidden - the hidden definition of ident
      • getIdents

        public Iterator getIdents()
        Returns an enumeration of idents with hidden definitions.
      • getHiddenDefinitions

        public Iterator getHiddenDefinitions()
        Returns an enumeration of hidden definitions.