Class UpdateQueryPlan

  • public class UpdateQueryPlan
    extends QueryPlan
    This class is used to generated update/insert/delete statements.
    • Method Detail

      • build

        public void build()
        Specified by:
        build in class QueryPlan
      • build

        public void build​(boolean batch)
        Builds a UpdateQueryPlan for an object based update type (i.e. insert, update, delete) ActionDesc.
        batch - Flag indicating whether we use batch update.
      • processStatements

        protected void processStatements()
        Description copied from class: QueryPlan
        This method goes through the statement list and tries to set up relationship between statements based on secondary table keys.
        processStatements in class QueryPlan
      • checkBatchThreshold

        public boolean checkBatchThreshold​(Transaction tran)
        Determines if the amount of batched operations exceeded a threshold.
        tran - the transaction
        true if the amount of batched operations exceeded a threshold