Class IOJavaFileWriter

    • Constructor Detail

      • IOJavaFileWriter

        public IOJavaFileWriter​(File file)
        Creates a new instance of IOJavaFileWriter.
        file - The file object which will be used at save time.
    • Method Detail

      • getMessages

        protected static final ResourceBundle getMessages()
        I18N message handler for this element
      • setPackage

        public void setPackage​(String packageName,
                               String[] comments)
        Sets the package for this file. Note that the package name format must be package style (that is - it can contain . but not / or $).
        Specified by:
        setPackage in interface JavaFileWriter
        packageName - The name of the package for this source file.
        comments - The comments shown just above the package statement. The comments are passed as an array so the line separators can be added by the implementation. Note that not all implementations will choose to make use of this comment.
      • addImport

        public void addImport​(String importName,
                              String[] comments)
        Adds an import statement for this source file.
        Specified by:
        addImport in interface JavaFileWriter
        importName - Name of the class or package (including the *) to be imported. This string should not contain "import" or the ;
        comments - The comments shown just above the import statement. The comments are passed as an array so the line separators can be added by the implementation. Note that not all implementations will choose to make use of this comment.
      • addClass

        public void addClass​(JavaClassWriter classWriter)
        Adds a class to this source file.
        Specified by:
        addClass in interface JavaFileWriter
        classWriter - The definition of the class.
      • save

        public void save()
                  throws IOException
        Saves the file by writing out the source contents to whatever file (or alternate representation) was specified (usually by the constructor of the implementation class.
        Specified by:
        save in interface JavaFileWriter
        IOException - If the file cannot be saved.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object.
        toString in class Object
        The string representation of the generated file.