Class RecoveryManager

  • public class RecoveryManager
    extends Object
    This class manages information required for recovery, and also general state regarding transactions in a process.
    Simon Holdsworth, IBM Corporation
    • Constructor Detail

      • RecoveryManager

        public RecoveryManager()
    • Method Detail

      • recoverXAResources

        public static void recoverXAResources​(Enumeration xaResources)
        Recovers the in doubt transactions from the provided list of XAResource objects. This method is never called by the recovery thread, and its the application threads which wants to pass in the XA resources that call this.
        xaResources - enumerated list of XA Resources to be recovered
      • getRestart

        public static byte[] getRestart()
        Gets the restart data for the process.
        The restart data.
      • setRestart

        public static void setRestart​(byte[] bytes)
        Sets the restart data for the process.
        bytes - The restart data.
      • waitForRecovery

        public static void waitForRecovery()
        Waits for recovery to complete.
      • waitForResync

        public static void waitForResync()
        Waits for resync to complete.
      • waitForResync

        public static void waitForResync​(int cmtTimeOut)
        Waits for resync to complete with timeout.
        cmtTimeout - Container managed transaction timeout
      • isIncompleteTxRecoveryRequired

        public static Boolean isIncompleteTxRecoveryRequired()
      • sizeOfInCompleteTx

        public static int sizeOfInCompleteTx()
      • recoverIncompleteTx

        public static void recoverIncompleteTx​(XAResource[] xaresArray)
      • registerTransactionRecoveryFence

        public static void registerTransactionRecoveryFence​(TransactionRecoveryFence fence)
        Register the implementation of Transaction recovery fence. This service is started as soon as all the resources are available.
      • startTransactionRecoveryFence

        public static void startTransactionRecoveryFence()
        Start Transaction recovery fence.
      • startResyncThread

        public static void startResyncThread()
        Start resync thread