Class StaticResource

  • public abstract class StaticResource
    extends Object
    The StaticResource interface provides operations that allow an object to be informed about changes in transaction associations with threads. The operations are guaranteed to be invoked on the thread on which the association is started or ended. This class is an abstract base class so the behavior here is that which is expected from any subclass.
    Simon Holdsworth, IBM Corporation
    • Constructor Detail

      • StaticResource

        public StaticResource()
    • Method Detail

      • startAssociation

        public abstract void startAssociation​(org.omg.CosTransactions.Coordinator coord,
                                              boolean begin)
        Informs the object that an association has started.

        That is, a thread association has begun on the calling thread for the transaction represented by the given Coordinator object. A flag is passed indicating whether this association is as a result of a begin operation.

        coord - The transaction whose association is starting.
        begin - Indicates a begin rather than a resume.
      • endAssociation

        public abstract void endAssociation​(org.omg.CosTransactions.Coordinator coord,
                                            boolean complete)
        Informs the object that an association has ended.

        That is, a thread association has ended on the calling thread for the transaction represented by the given Coordinator object. A flag is passed indicating whether this association is as a result of the transaction completing.

        coord - The transaction whose association is starting.
        complete - Indicates a commit/rollback rather than a suspend.
      • register

        protected void register()
        Registers the StaticResource object.

        Until this method is called, the StaticResource object will not receive calls to start/endAssociation.