Annotation Type RolesPermitted

  • @InterceptorBinding
    public @interface RolesPermitted
    Defines a list of roles which a caller must be in to access either methods within an annotated class, or a singular annotated method. Roles defined on a method level will always overrule those defined on a class level.
    Michael Ranaldo
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      LogicalOperator semantics
      Whether accessing caller must be in any one of the given roles (OR) or all given roles (AND).
      @NotNull String[] value
      The roles which are allowed to access this method.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        @NotNull String[] value
        The roles which are allowed to access this method. Defaults to an empty string.
        A String array of permitted roles.
      • semantics

        LogicalOperator semantics
        Whether accessing caller must be in any one of the given roles (OR) or all given roles (AND).
        the operator used to determine access
        See Also: