Class GAVConvertor

  • public final class GAVConvertor
    extends Object
    Performs the functions required for converting GAV (group, artefact, version) coordinates into a URI.
    Andrew Pielage
    • Method Detail

      • getArtefactMapEntry

        public static Map.Entry<String,​URI> getArtefactMapEntry​(String GAV,
                                                                      Collection<String> repositoryURIs)
                                                               throws URISyntaxException
        Returns a valid URI for a provided GAV (GroupId, ArtifactId, Version).
        GAV - A comma separated list of the groupId, artifactId, and version number
        repositoryURIs - A collection of repository URIs to search for the target artefact in
        A URI matching the provided GAV
        URISyntaxException - Thrown if an artefact cannot be found for the provided GAV