Interface InvokeMethodRequest.ArgumentDeserializer

  • Enclosing class:
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public static interface InvokeMethodRequest.ArgumentDeserializer
    • Method Detail

      • deserialise

        Object[] deserialise​(Object args,
                             Method invoked,
                             Type[] argActualTypes,
                             ClassLoader classLoader)
        Converts the method arguments form a Class and Object independent format to the actual method argument Objects. This step is deferred since it has to take place within the right ClassLoader context in order to not fail looking up application specific classes.
        args - the argument as send in InvokeMethodRequest
        argActualTypes - the actual Class types of the arguments as send in InvokeMethodRequest
        invoked - the Method that should be invoked with the arguments
        classLoader - the ClassLoader to use to load further classes if needed.
        The arguments as they should be passed to the Method invoked