Class PayaraMicroRuntimeImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PayaraMicroRuntimeImpl
    extends Object
    implements PayaraMicroRuntime
    This class represents a running Payara Micro server and enables you to manipulate a running server. All the methods can throw Illegal State Exception if the Payara Micro Server has been shutdown
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public Map<InstanceDescriptor,​Future<? extends ClusterCommandResult>> run​(String command,
                                                                                        String... args)
        Runs an asadmin command on all members of the Payara Micro Cluster Functionally equivalent to the run method of the ClusterCommandRunner passing in all cluster members obtained from getClusteredPayaras()
        Specified by:
        run in interface PayaraMicroRuntime
        command - The name of the asadmin command to run
        args - The parameters to the command
      • run

        public <T extends SerializableMap<InstanceDescriptor,​Future<T>> run​(Callable<T> callable)
        This method has an undefined ClassLoader and is unusable by a user, as it only operates on server ClassLoader rather than on application ClassLoader
        {It will be removed in the upcoming releases}.
        Runs a Callable object on all members of the Payara Micro Cluster Functionally equivalent to the run method on ClusterCommandRunner passing in all cluster members obtained from getClusteredPayaras()
        Specified by:
        run in interface PayaraMicroRuntime
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the Callable
        callable - The Callable object to run
      • run

        public <T extends SerializableMap<InstanceDescriptor,​Future<T>> run​(Collection<InstanceDescriptor> members,
                                                                                    Callable<T> callable)
        This method has an undefined ClassLoader and is unusable by a user, as it only operates on server ClassLoader rather than on application ClassLoader
        {It will be removed in the upcoming releases}.
        Runs a Callable object on specified members of the Payara Micro Cluster Functionally equivalent to the run method on ClusterCommandRunner passing in all cluster members obtained from getClusteredPayaras()
        Specified by:
        run in interface PayaraMicroRuntime
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the Callable
        members - The collection of members to run the callable on
        callable - The Callable object to run
      • deploy

        public boolean deploy​(String name,
                              String contextRoot,
                              InputStream is)
        Deploy from an InputStream which can load the Java EE archive
        Specified by:
        deploy in interface PayaraMicroRuntime
        name - The name of the deployment
        contextRoot - The context root to deploy the application to
        is - InputStream to load the war through
        true if deployment was successful
      • deploy

        public boolean deploy​(String name,
                              InputStream is)
        Deploy from an InputStream which can load the Java EE archive
        Specified by:
        deploy in interface PayaraMicroRuntime
        name - The name of the deployment and the context root of the deployment if a war file
        is - InputStream to load the war through
        true if deployment was successful
      • deploy

        public boolean deploy​(String name,
                              String contextRoot,
                              File war)
        Deploys a new archive to a running Payara Micro instance
        Specified by:
        deploy in interface PayaraMicroRuntime
        name - The name to give the application once deployed
        contextRoot - The context root to give the application
        war - A File object representing the archive to deploy, it can be an exploded directory
      • deploy

        public boolean deploy​(File war)
        Deploys a new archive to a running Payara Micro instance
        Specified by:
        deploy in interface PayaraMicroRuntime
        war - A File object representing the archive to deploy, it can be an exploded directory
        true if the file deployed successfully
      • undeploy

        public void undeploy​(String name)
        Undeploys the named application
        Specified by:
        undeploy in interface PayaraMicroRuntime
        name - Name of the application to undeploy