Class JwtAuthDeployer

    • Constructor Detail

      • JwtAuthDeployer

        public JwtAuthDeployer()
    • Method Detail

      • load

        public JwtAuthApplicationContainer load​(JwtAuthContainer container,
                                                DeploymentContext deploymentContext)
        Description copied from interface: Deployer
        Loads a previously prepared application in its execution environment and return a ContractProvider instance that will identify this environment in future communications with the application's container runtime.
        container - in which the application will reside
        deploymentContext - of the deployment
        an ApplicationContainer instance identifying the running application
      • unload

        public void unload​(JwtAuthApplicationContainer applicationContainer,
                           DeploymentContext ctx)
        Description copied from interface: Deployer
        Unload or stop a previously running application identified with the ContractProvider instance. The container will be stop upon return from this method.
        applicationContainer - instance to be stopped
        ctx - of the undeployment