Class RolesAllowedAutoDiscoverable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.glassfish.jersey.internal.spi.AutoDiscoverable, org.glassfish.jersey.internal.spi.ForcedAutoDiscoverable

    public final class RolesAllowedAutoDiscoverable
    extends Object
    implements org.glassfish.jersey.internal.spi.ForcedAutoDiscoverable
    This Jersey specific service provider will install the JAX-RS dynamic feature which on its turn will install filters for JAX-RS resources that check roles or deny all access.

    Note this extra service is needed, so the MP-JWT implementation code can be in a server/container jar, which is typically not scanned for the Provider annotation, which would normally cause the dynamic feature to be installed.

    Arjan Tijms
    • Constructor Detail

      • RolesAllowedAutoDiscoverable

        public RolesAllowedAutoDiscoverable()
    • Method Detail

      • configure

        public void configure​( context)
        Specified by:
        configure in interface org.glassfish.jersey.internal.spi.AutoDiscoverable