Interface ServletContainerInitializerBlacklist

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ServletContainerInitializerBlacklist
    Service Loader interface extension point for filtering out ServletContainerInitializers that would otherwise be picked up and loaded by the blanket interest list. Allows us to omit initializers based on criteria without having to pull in extra dependencies into core server (e.g. MicroProfile).
    • Method Detail

      • removeServletContainerInitializers

        void removeServletContainerInitializers​(Map<Class<? extends jakarta.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer>,​Set<Class<?>>> initializerList)
        Removes ServletContainerInitializers from the list of initializers to be invoked.
        initializerList - The list of ServletContainerInitializer to remove the initializers we don't want to be run from