Interface CometEvent

  • public interface CometEvent
    The CometEvent interface.
    Filip Hanik, Remy Maucherat
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  CometEvent.EventSubType
      Event details TIMEOUT - the connection timed out (sub type of ERROR); note that this ERROR type is not fatal, and the connection will not be closed unless the servlet uses the close method of the event CLIENT_DISCONNECT - the client connection was closed (sub type of ERROR) IOEXCEPTION - an IO exception occurred, such as invalid content, for example, an invalid chunk block (sub type of ERROR) WEBAPP_RELOAD - the webapplication is being reloaded (sub type of END) SERVER_SHUTDOWN - the server is shutting down (sub type of END) SESSION_END - the servlet ended the session (sub type of END)
      static class  CometEvent.EventType
      Enumeration describing the major events that the container can invoke the CometProcessors event() method with BEGIN - will be called at the beginning of the processing of the connection.
    • Method Detail

      • getHttpServletRequest

        jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest getHttpServletRequest()
        Returns the HttpServletRequest.
      • getHttpServletResponse

        jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse getHttpServletResponse()
        Returns the HttpServletResponse.
      • getEventSubType

        CometEvent.EventSubType getEventSubType()
        Returns the sub type of this event.
      • close

        void close()
            throws IOException
        Ends the Comet session. This signals to the container that the container wants to end the comet session. This will send back to the client a notice that the server has no more data to send as part of this request. The servlet should perform any needed cleanup as if it had received an END or ERROR event.
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
      • setTimeout

        void setTimeout​(int timeout)
                 throws IOException,
        Sets the timeout for this Comet connection. Please NOTE, that the implementation of a per connection timeout is OPTIONAL and MAY NOT be implemented.
        This method sets the timeout in milliseconds of idle time on the connection. The timeout is reset every time data is received from the connection or data is flushed using response.flushBuffer(). If a timeout occurs, the error(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) method is invoked. The web application SHOULD NOT attempt to reuse the request and response objects after a timeout as the error(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) method indicates.
        This method should not be called asynchronously, as that will have no effect.
        timeout - The timeout in milliseconds for this connection, must be a positive value, larger than 0
        IOException - An IOException may be thrown to indicate an IO error, or that the EOF has been reached on the connection
        jakarta.servlet.ServletException - An exception has occurred, as specified by the root cause
        UnsupportedOperationException - if per connection timeout is not supported, either at all or at this phase of the invocation.