Class NonLoginAuthenticator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Authenticator, Contained, Lifecycle, Valve, GlassFishValve

    public final class NonLoginAuthenticator
    extends AuthenticatorBase
    An Authenticator and Valve implementation that checks only security constraints not involving user authentication.
    $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2007/03/05 20:42:26 $
    Craig R. McClanahan
    • Constructor Detail

      • NonLoginAuthenticator

        public NonLoginAuthenticator()
    • Method Detail

      • authenticate

        public boolean authenticate​(HttpRequest request,
                                    HttpResponse response,
                                    LoginConfig config)
                             throws IOException
        Authenticate the user making this request, based on the specified login configuration. Return true if any specified constraint has been satisfied, or false if we have created a response challenge already.
        Specified by:
        authenticate in class AuthenticatorBase
        request - Request we are processing
        response - Response we are creating
        config - Login configuration describing how authentication should be performed
        IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      • getAuthMethod

        protected String getAuthMethod()
        Return the authentication method, which is vendor-specific and not defined by HttpServletRequest.
        Specified by:
        getAuthMethod in class AuthenticatorBase