Class UserConfig

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class UserConfig
    extends Object
    implements LifecycleListener
    Startup event listener for a Host that configures Contexts (web applications) for all defined "users" who have a web application in a directory with the specified name in their home directories. The context path of each deployed application will be set to ~xxxxx, where xxxxx is the username of the owning user for that web application
    $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2005/12/08 01:28:10 $
    Craig R. McClanahan
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserConfig

        public UserConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • getConfigClass

        public String getConfigClass()
        Return the Context configuration class name.
      • setConfigClass

        public void setConfigClass​(String configClass)
        Set the Context configuration class name.
        configClass - The new Context configuration class name.
      • getContextClass

        public String getContextClass()
        Return the Context implementation class name.
      • setContextClass

        public void setContextClass​(String contextClass)
        Set the Context implementation class name.
        contextClass - The new Context implementation class name.
      • getDebug

        public int getDebug()
        Return the debugging detail level for this component.
      • setDebug

        public void setDebug​(int debug)
        Set the debugging detail level for this component.
        debug - The new debugging detail level
      • getDirectoryName

        public String getDirectoryName()
        Return the directory name for user web applications.
      • setDirectoryName

        public void setDirectoryName​(String directoryName)
        Set the directory name for user web applications.
        directoryName - The new directory name
      • getHomeBase

        public String getHomeBase()
        Return the base directory containing user home directories.
      • setHomeBase

        public void setHomeBase​(String homeBase)
        Set the base directory containing user home directories.
        homeBase - The new base directory
      • getUserClass

        public String getUserClass()
        Return the user database class name for this component.
      • setUserClass

        public void setUserClass​(String userClass)
        Set the user database class name for this component.
      • lifecycleEvent

        public void lifecycleEvent​(LifecycleEvent event)
        Process the START event for an associated Host.
        Specified by:
        lifecycleEvent in interface LifecycleListener
        event - The lifecycle event that has occurred