Class CallParamRule

    • Field Detail

      • attributeName

        protected String attributeName
        The attribute from which to save the parameter value
      • paramIndex

        protected int paramIndex
        The zero-relative index of the parameter we are saving.
      • fromStack

        protected boolean fromStack
        Is the parameter to be set from the stack?
      • stackIndex

        protected int stackIndex
        The position of the object from the top of the stack
      • bodyTextStack

        protected ArrayStack<String> bodyTextStack
        Stack is used to allow nested body text to be processed. Lazy creation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CallParamRule

        public CallParamRule​(int paramIndex)
        Construct a "call parameter" rule that will save the body text of this element as the parameter value.
        paramIndex - The zero-relative parameter number
      • CallParamRule

        public CallParamRule​(int paramIndex,
                             String attributeName)
        Construct a "call parameter" rule that will save the value of the specified attribute as the parameter value.
        paramIndex - The zero-relative parameter number
        attributeName - The name of the attribute to save
      • CallParamRule

        public CallParamRule​(int paramIndex,
                             boolean fromStack)
        Construct a "call parameter" rule.
        paramIndex - The zero-relative parameter number
        fromStack - should this parameter be taken from the top of the stack?
      • CallParamRule

        public CallParamRule​(int paramIndex,
                             int stackIndex)
        Constructs a "call parameter" rule which sets a parameter from the stack. If the stack contains too few objects, then the parameter will be set to null.
        paramIndex - The zero-relative parameter number
        stackIndex - the index of the object which will be passed as a parameter. The zeroth object is the top of the stack, 1 is the next object down and so on.
    • Method Detail

      • begin

        public void begin​(Attributes attributes)
                   throws Exception
        Process the start of this element.
        begin in class Rule
        attributes - The attribute list for this element
      • body

        public void body​(String bodyText)
                  throws Exception
        Process the body text of this element.
        body in class Rule
        bodyText - The body text of this element
      • end

        public void end​(String namespace,
                        String name)
        Process any body texts now.
        end in class Rule
        namespace - the namespace URI of the matching element, or an empty string if the parser is not namespace aware or the element has no namespace
        name - the local name if the parser is namespace aware, or just the element name otherwise
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Render a printable version of this Rule.
        toString in class Object