Class ObjectCreateRule

  • public class ObjectCreateRule
    extends Rule
    Rule implementation that creates a new object and pushes it onto the object stack. When the element is complete, the object will be popped
    • Field Detail

      • attributeName

        protected String attributeName
        The attribute containing an override class name if it is present.
      • className

        protected String className
        The Java class name of the object to be created.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectCreateRule

        public ObjectCreateRule​(String className)
        Construct an object create rule with the specified class name.
        className - Java class name of the object to be created
      • ObjectCreateRule

        public ObjectCreateRule​(Class<?> clazz)
        Construct an object create rule with the specified class.
        clazz - Java class name of the object to be created
      • ObjectCreateRule

        public ObjectCreateRule​(String className,
                                String attributeName)
        Construct an object create rule with the specified class name and an optional attribute name containing an override.
        className - Java class name of the object to be created
        attributeName - Attribute name which, if present, contains an override of the class name to create
      • ObjectCreateRule

        public ObjectCreateRule​(String attributeName,
                                Class<?> clazz)
        Construct an object create rule with the specified class and an optional attribute name containing an override.
        attributeName - Attribute name which, if present, contains an
        clazz - Java class name of the object to be created override of the class name to create
    • Method Detail

      • begin

        public void begin​(Attributes attributes)
                   throws Exception
        Process the beginning of this element.
        begin in class Rule
        attributes - The attribute list of this element
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Render a printable version of this Rule.
        toString in class Object