Class SetPropertyRule

  • public class SetPropertyRule
    extends Rule
    Rule implementation that sets an individual property on the object at the top of the stack, based on attributes with specified names.
    • Field Detail

      • name

        protected String name
        The attribute that will contain the property name.
      • value

        protected String value
        The attribute that will contain the property value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SetPropertyRule

        public SetPropertyRule​(String name,
                               String value)
        Construct a "set property" rule with the specified name and value attributes.
        name - Name of the attribute that will contain the name of the property to be set
        value - Name of the attribute that will contain the value to which the property should be set
    • Method Detail

      • begin

        public void begin​(Attributes attributes)
                   throws Exception
        Process the beginning of this element.
        begin in class Rule
        attributes - The attribute list of this element
        NoSuchMethodException - if the bean does not have a writeable property of the specified name
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Render a printable version of this Rule.
        toString in class Object