Class SetRootRule

  • public class SetRootRule
    extends Rule

    Rule implementation that calls a method on the root object on the stack, passing the top object (child) as an argument. It is important to remember that this rule acts on end.

    This rule now supports more flexible method matching by default. It is possible that this may break (some) code written against release 1.1.1 or earlier. See isExactMatch() for more details.

    • Field Detail

      • methodName

        protected String methodName
        The method name to call on the parent object.
      • paramType

        protected String paramType
        The Java class name of the parameter type expected by the method.
      • useExactMatch

        protected boolean useExactMatch
        Should we use exact matching. Default is no.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SetRootRule

        public SetRootRule​(String methodName)
        Construct a "set root" rule with the specified method name. The method's argument type is assumed to be the class of the child object.
        methodName - Method name of the parent method to call
      • SetRootRule

        public SetRootRule​(String methodName,
                           String paramType)
        Construct a "set root" rule with the specified method name.
        methodName - Method name of the parent method to call
        paramType - Java class of the parent method's argument (if you wish to use a primitive type, specify the corresonding Java wrapper class instead, such as java.lang.Boolean for a boolean parameter)
    • Method Detail

      • isExactMatch

        public boolean isExactMatch()

        Is exact matching being used.

        This rule uses org.apache.commons.beanutils.MethodUtils to introspect the relevent objects so that the right method can be called. Originally, MethodUtils.invokeExactMethod was used. This matches methods very strictly and so may not find a matching method when one exists. This is still the behaviour when exact matching is enabled.

        When exact matching is disabled, MethodUtils.invokeMethod is used. This method finds more methods but is less precise when there are several methods with correct signatures. So, if you want to choose an exact signature you might need to enable this property.

        The default setting is to disable exact matches.

        true iff exact matching is enabled
        Digester Release 1.1.1
      • setExactMatch

        public void setExactMatch​(boolean useExactMatch)

        Set whether exact matching is enabled.

        See isExactMatch().

        useExactMatch - should this rule use exact method matching
        Digester Release 1.1.1
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Render a printable version of this Rule.
        toString in class Object