Annotation Type AMXMBeanMetadata

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface AMXMBeanMetadata
    Holds meta information useful in generating and/or supplementing the default MBeanInfo as well as other runtime fields or optimizations. Depending on how the implementor generates MBeans, not all of this information is necessarily used; it could be ignored if there is a more authoritative source (eg internal @Configured interfaces that also have AMXConfig proxy interfaces).

    In general, this annotation is used only by amx-core, amx-config and related built-in AMX modules.

    Lloyd Chambers
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Fields Description
      static String NULL  
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean globalSingleton
      if true, the MBean is a global singleton, unique in type among all AMX MBeans.
      boolean immutableMBeanInfo
      If true, states that the MBeanInfo is immutable; that once MBeanInfo is obtained it may be cached, avoiding needless/repeated invocations of getMBeanInfo().
      boolean leaf
      If true, no children are allowed.
      boolean singleton
      if true, the MBean is a singleon within its parent's scope
      String type
      overrides default type to be used in ObjectName=, ignored if null or empty
    • Field Detail

      • NULL

        static final String NULL
    • Element Detail

      • immutableMBeanInfo

        boolean immutableMBeanInfo
        If true, states that the MBeanInfo is immutable; that once MBeanInfo is obtained it may be cached, avoiding needless/repeated invocations of getMBeanInfo(). Very few MBeans have mutable MBeanInfo, so this defaults to 'true'. The term is a misnomer; it should be invariantMBeanInfo(), but this name is used go be consistent with the JMX standard.
      • type

        String type
        overrides default type to be used in ObjectName=, ignored if null or empty
      • leaf

        boolean leaf
        If true, no children are allowed.
      • singleton

        boolean singleton
        if true, the MBean is a singleon within its parent's scope
      • globalSingleton

        boolean globalSingleton
        if true, the MBean is a global singleton, unique in type among all AMX MBeans. Being a globalSingleton implies being a singleton