Class SystemInfoImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemInfoImpl

        public SystemInfoImpl​(MBeanServer server)
    • Method Detail

      • addFeature

        public void addFeature​(String featureName,
                               boolean available)
        Advertise the presence of a feature. For consistency, feature names should normally be of the form _FEATURE. For example: "HELLO-WORLD_FEATURE".

        To change a feature�s availability to unavailable, pass 'false' for 'available' (there is no removeFeature() call). This is discouraged unless dynamic presence/absence is an inherent characteristic of the feature; clients might check only once for presence or absence.

        featureName - name of the feature
        available - should be 'true' unless an explicit 'false' (unavailable) is desired
      • getFeatureNames

        public String[] getFeatureNames()
      • supportsFeature

        public boolean supportsFeature​(String key)
      • getPerformanceMillis

        public Map<String,​Long> getPerformanceMillis()
        Return a Map keyed by an arbitrary String denoting some feature. The value is the time in milliseconds. Code should not rely on the keys as they are subject to changes, additions, or removal at any time, except as otherwise documented. Even documented items should be used only for informational purposes, such as assessing performance.