Class ImplUtil

  • public final class ImplUtil
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImplUtil

        public ImplUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • unregisterAMXMBeans

        public static void unregisterAMXMBeans​(AMXProxy top)
        Unload this AMX MBean and all its children. MBean should be unloaded at the leafs first, working back to DomainRoot so as to not violate the rule that a Container must always be present for a Containee.
      • unregisterAMXMBeans

        public static void unregisterAMXMBeans​(MBeanServer mbs,
                                               ObjectName objectName)
        see javadoc for unregisterAMXMBeans(AMX)
      • unregisterOneMBean

        public static boolean unregisterOneMBean​(MBeanServer mbeanServer,
                                                 ObjectName objectName)
        Unregister a single MBean, returning true if it was unregistered, false otherwise.