Interface J2EEManagedObject

    • Method Detail

      • getobjectName

        String getobjectName()
        The ObjectName of the J2EEManagedObject. All managed objects must have a unique name within the context of the management domain. The name must not be null.

        Note that the Attribute name is case-sensitive "getobjectName" as defined by JSR 77.

        the ObjectName of the object, as a String
      • iseventProvider

        boolean iseventProvider()
        If true, indicates that the managed object provides event notification about events that occur on that object. NOTE: JSR 77 defines the Attribute name as "eventProvider".
      • isstateManageable

        boolean isstateManageable()
        If true, indicates that this managed object implements the StateManageable model and is state manageable.

        Note that the Attribute name is case-sensitive "stateManageable" as defined by JSR 77.

      • isstatisticsProvider

        boolean isstatisticsProvider()
        If true, indicates that the managed object supports performance statistics and therefore implements the StatisticsProvider model.

        Note that the Attribute name is case-sensitive "statisticProvider" as defined by JSR 77.