Class ObjectNameQueryImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectNameQueryImpl

        public ObjectNameQueryImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • matchAll

        public Set<ObjectName> matchAll​(Set<ObjectName> startingSet,
                                        String[] regexNames,
                                        String[] regexValues)
        Description copied from interface: ObjectNameQuery
        Return the ObjectNames of all MBeans whose properties match all the specified regular expressions. Both property names and values may be searched. A starting set may be specified by using an ObjectName pattern. This can greatly improve the performance of the search by restricting the set of MBeans which are examined; otherwise all registered MBeans must be examined. The regexNames[ i ] pattern corresponds to regexValues[ i ]. A value of null for any item is taken to mean "match anything". Thus specifing null for 'regexNames' means "match any name" and specifying regexNames[ i ] = null means to match only based on regexValues[ i ] (and vice versa).
        Specified by:
        matchAll in interface ObjectNameQuery
        startingSet - optional ObjectName pattern for starting set to search
        regexNames - optional series of regular expressions for Property names
        regexValues - optional series of regular expressions for Property values
        array of ObjectName (may be of zero length)
      • matchAny

        public Set<ObjectName> matchAny​(Set<ObjectName> startingSet,
                                        String[] regexNames,
                                        String[] regexValues)
        Description copied from interface: ObjectNameQuery
        Return the ObjectNames of all MBeans whose properties match any of the specified regular expressions. Both property names and values may be searched. A starting set may be specified by using an ObjectName pattern. This can greatly improve the performance of the search by restricting the set of MBeans which are examined; otherwise all registered MBeans must be examined. The regexNames[ i ] pattern corresponds to regexValues[ i ]. A value of null for any item is taken to mean "match anything". Thus specifing null for 'regexNames' means "match any name" and specifying regexNames[ i ] = null means to match only based on regexValues[ i ] (and vice versa).
        Specified by:
        matchAny in interface ObjectNameQuery
        startingSet - optional ObjectName pattern for starting set to search
        regexNames - optional series of regular expressions for Property names
        regexValues - optional series of regular expressions for Property values
        array of ObjectName (may be of zero length)