Class XmlInputObject

  • public class XmlInputObject
    extends InputObject
    Rajeshwar Patil
    • Field Detail

      • AMP

        public static final Character AMP
        The Character '&'.
      • APOS

        public static final Character APOS
        The Character '''.
      • BANG

        public static final Character BANG
        The Character '!'.
      • EQ

        public static final Character EQ
        The Character '='.
      • GT

        public static final Character GT
        The Character '>'.
      • LT

        public static final Character LT
        The Character '<'.
      • QUEST

        public static final Character QUEST
        The Character '?'.
      • QUOT

        public static final Character QUOT
        The Character '"'.
      • SLASH

        public static final Character SLASH
        The Character '/'.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlInputObject

        public XmlInputObject​(String source)
                       throws InputException
        Construct a XmlInputObjectfrom a XML text string.
        source - A XML text string
        InputException - If there is a syntax error in the source string or a duplicated key.
    • Method Detail

      • initializeMap

        public Map initializeMap()
                          throws InputException
        Construct and returns a map of input key-value pairs
        Specified by:
        initializeMap in class InputObject
        The map of key-value pairs.
        InputException - If there is a syntax error in the source string or a duplicated key.
      • getMap

        public Map getMap()