Class PluginHandlers

  • public class PluginHandlers
    extends Object

    This class will provide JSFTemplating Handlers that provide access to IntegrationPoints and possibily other information / services needed to provide plugin functionality i.e. getting resources, etc.).

    Ken Paulsen ([email protected])
    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginHandlers

        protected PluginHandlers()


    • Method Detail

      • getPluginService

        public static ConsolePluginService getPluginService​(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext ctx)

        Find and return the ConsolePluginService. This method uses the HK2 Habitat to locate the ConsolePluginService.

        ctx - The FacesContext.
      • getPluginResources

        public static void getPluginResources​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)

        This handler returns a Map<String id, List<URL>> containing all the matches of the requested resource. Each List in the Map is associated with a GUI Plugin, and the key to the Map is the plugin id.

        handlerCtx - The HandlerContext.
      • getIntegrationPoints

        public static void getIntegrationPoints​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)

        This handler provides access to IntegrationPoints for the requested key.

        handlerCtx - The HandlerContext.
      • getIntegrationPoints

        public static List<IntegrationPoint> getIntegrationPoints​(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                                                                  String type)
      • includeIntegrations

        public static void includeIntegrations​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)

        This handler adds IntegrationPoints of a given type to a UIComponent tree. It looks for IntegrationPoints using the given type. It then sorts the results (if any) by parentId, and then by priority. It next interates over each one looking for a UIComponent with an id which matches the its own parentId value. It then uses the content of the IntegrationPoint to attempt to include the .jsf page it refers to under the identified parent component.

      • includeFirstIntegrationPoint

        public static void includeFirstIntegrationPoint​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)
                                                 throws IOException
        Includes the first IP based on priority for the given type. It adds the content to the given UIComponent root. If the IP content looks like a URL (contains ://), a StaticText component will be added with the value of the content from the URL.
      • getContentOfIntegrationPoints

        public static void getContentOfIntegrationPoints​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)
                                                  throws IOException
        Finds the integration point of the specified type. Returns the contents of this IP type as a list. The content can be a comma separated String. This is useful for the case such as dropdown or list box to allow additional options in the component.
      • getAppEditIntegrationPoint

        public static void getAppEditIntegrationPoint​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)
                                               throws IOException
      • getSortedIntegrationPoints

        public static Set<IntegrationPoint> getSortedIntegrationPoints​(List<IntegrationPoint> points)

        This method sorts the given IntegrationPoint's by parentId and then by priority. It returns a SortedSet of the results with the ABC order parentId. When parentId's match, the highest piority will appear first.

      • includeIntegrationPoints

        public static void includeIntegrationPoints​(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext ctx,
                                                    jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent root,
                                                    Set<IntegrationPoint> points)
        points - This parameter should be the IntegrationPoints to include in the order in which you want to include them if that matters (i.e. use SortedSet).
      • getIntegrationPointParent

        public static jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent getIntegrationPointParent​(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext ctx,
                                                                                    jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent root,
                                                                                    IntegrationPoint point)

        This method returns the parent for the content of the given IntegrationPoint.

        root - The UIComponent in which to search for the parent.
        point - The IntegrationPoint which is looking for its parent UIComponent.
      • includeIntegrationPoint

        public static void includeIntegrationPoint​(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext ctx,
                                                   jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent parent,
                                                   IntegrationPoint point)

        This method includes a single IntegrationPoint under the given parent UIComponent.

        ctx - The FacesContext.
        parent - The parent for the IntegrationPoint.
        point - The IntegrationPoint.
      • retrievePluginPageContents

        public static void retrievePluginPageContents​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)

        This handler is used for the navigation nodes that request content from an external URL. This handler pulls the "real url" from from the component specified by the compId parameter (this necessarily depends on the presence of the navigation container in the view for the component look up to work). Once the component has been found, the url is retrieved from the attribute map, and its contents retrieved. If processPage is true, the URL contents are interpretted and the resulting component(s) are added to the component tree (This feature is not currently supported).. Otherwise, the contents are returned in the output parameter pluginPage to be output as-is on the page.

        handlerCtx - The HandlerContext.
      • getPluginIdFromViewId

        public static void getPluginIdFromViewId​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)
      • calculateHelpUrl

        public static void calculateHelpUrl​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)
      • getHelpPathForResource

        public static String getHelpPathForResource​(String resource,
                                                    Locale locale,
                                                    ClassLoader cl)

        This function attempts to calculate a help path with the given locale and classloader. It only succeeds if it is able to confirm a file exists at the generated path as determined by ClassLoader.getResource(path). The paths checked are the following in this order:

        • /locale.toString()/help/<resource>
        • /locale.getLanguage()_locale.getCountry()/help/<resource>
        • /locale.getLanguage()/help/<resource>

        If all of those fail to yield a file in the classpath, then null will be returned.