Class Tag

    • Constructor Detail

      • Tag

        public Tag​(String tagName,
                   String tagViewId,
                   String displayName,
                   String user)

        The constructor that should normally be used.

    • Method Detail

      • addUser

        public void addUser​(String name)

        Allows an additional user to be added as a Tag creator.

      • getUsers

        public List<String> getUsers()

        Provides access to all the users that have created this Tag. This may be null.

      • containsUser

        public boolean containsUser​(String name)

        Checks to see if the given user is an owner of this Tag.

      • removeUser

        public List<String> removeUser​(String name)

        This method ensures the specified user is removed from the list of users for this Tag.

        While a Tag is of little or no use when 0 users own the Tag, it is not the responsibility of this method to remove the Tag if this state occurs as a result of a call to this method.

        The List of users remaining after removing this user, or null if none.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)

        This implementation of equals only checks the tagName and the tagViewId for equality. This means 2 tags with different user Lists are still considered equal. The Display Name is also of no importance to this implementation of equality.

        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()

        String representation of this Tag.

        toString in class Object
      • getTagName

        public String getTagName()

        This provides access to the tag name.

      • getTagViewId

        public String getTagViewId()

        This provides access to the TagViewId value.

      • getDisplayName

        public String getDisplayName()

        This returns a String that is meaningful to the user which represents the content of this Tag instance.