Class RestUtil2

  • public class RestUtil2
    extends Object
    This class is intended to replace, eventually, RestUtil. Whether or not that happens depends in large part on how the new console is built. In the meantime, though, there is a need for REST-related utilities that behave in a manner not supported by the current methods in RestUtil, so these need to be written. Rather than place these new methods beside the existing ones, we will, for now, separate the two to maintain ease in identifying old vs new methods, as well as helping to ensure that these methods remain purely REST-focused, free from the encroachment of view-related libraries (see the pervasiveness of JSFTemplating types in RestUtil).
    • Constructor Detail

      • RestUtil2

        public RestUtil2()
    • Method Detail

      • sendRequestToCollectionResource

        public static void sendRequestToCollectionResource​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)
      • sendGetRequestToItemResource

        public static void sendGetRequestToItemResource​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)
      • sendPostRequest

        public static void sendPostRequest​(com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext handlerCtx)
      • isSuccess

        protected static boolean isSuccess​(int status)