Interface ProcessingContext

  • public interface ProcessingContext
    This interface defines the context for the annotation processing handler. There is only one context instance per AnnotationProcessor invocation.
    Jerome Dochez
    • Method Detail

      • getProcessor

        AnnotationProcessor getProcessor()
        Returns the AnnotationProcessor instance this context is associated with.
        annotation processor instance
      • getProcessingInput

        Scanner getProcessingInput()
        Returns the Scanner implementation which is responsible for providing access to all the .class files the processing tool needs to scan.
        scanner instance
      • getArchive

        ReadableArchive getArchive()
        Returns the module archive that can be used to load files/resources, that assist in the processing of annotations. Using the ClassLoader is preferred, but not all files can be loaded by it and this can be handy in those cases.
        module archive
      • setProcessingInput

        void setProcessingInput​(Scanner scanner)
        Sets the Scanner implementation which is responsible for accessing all the .class files the AnnotationProcessor should process.
      • pushHandler

        void pushHandler​(AnnotatedElementHandler handler)
        Push a new handler on the stack of handlers. This handler will receive all the AnnotedElementHandler events until it is removed from the stack with a popHandler() call.
        handler - the new events handler.
      • getHandler

        AnnotatedElementHandler getHandler()
        Return the current handler (if any) receving all the annotated elements start and stop events.
        the top handler
      • getHandler

        <U extends AnnotatedElementHandler> U getHandler​(Class<U> handlerType)
                                                  throws ClassCastException
        Return the top handler casted to the requested handler type
        requested - handler type
        the top handler
        ClassCastException - if the top handler cannot be casted to the requested handler type.
      • setErrorHandler

        void setErrorHandler​(ErrorHandler errorHandler)
        Sets the ErrorHandler instance for all errors/warnings that may be raised during the annotation processing.
        handler - the annotation handler
      • getErrorHandler

        ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
        Return the error handler for this processing context.
        the error handler