Interface ParameterBridge

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ParameterBridge
    A parameter mapper acts as a bridge between supplied parameters (by the user on the command line for instance) and expected parameters by a action.

    For example, a command execution requires parameters from the command line while a supplemented command may require a different set of parameter names which can be either discovered or translated from the originally supplied list.

    Jerome Dochez
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  ParameterBridge.NoMapper
      Provided mapper that does not change parameters names or values from the input set.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      List<String> get​(ParameterMap map, String resourceName)
      Returns the parameter values as expected by the injection code when a dependency injection annotated field or method (for instance, annotated with @Param or @Inject) needs to be resolved.
      String getOne​(ParameterMap map, String resourceName)
      Returns the parameter value as expected by the injection code when a dependency injection annotated field or method (for instance, annotated with @Param or @Inject) needs to be resolved.
    • Method Detail

      • getOne

        String getOne​(ParameterMap map,
                      String resourceName)
        Returns the parameter value as expected by the injection code when a dependency injection annotated field or method (for instance, annotated with @Param or @Inject) needs to be resolved.
        map - is the original set of parameters as used to inject the supplemented command.
        resourceName - the name of the resource as defined by the action
        the value used to inject the parameter identified by its resourceName
      • get

        List<String> get​(ParameterMap map,
                         String resourceName)
        Returns the parameter values as expected by the injection code when a dependency injection annotated field or method (for instance, annotated with @Param or @Inject) needs to be resolved.
        map - is the original set of parameters as used to inject the supplemented command.
        resourceName - the name of the resource as defined by the action
        a list of values used to inject the parameter identified by its resourceName