Interface GlassfishNamingManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface GlassfishNamingManager
    The NamingManager provides an interface for various components to use naming functionality. It provides methods for binding and unbinding environment properties, resource and ejb references.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void bindToAppNamespace​(String appName, Collection<? extends JNDIBinding> bindings)
      Binds the bindings to module namespace of an application
      Typically, to get access to application's namespace, invocation context must be set to appropriate application's context.
      This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish need to bind the objects in application's name-space and do not have application's invocation context
      void bindToComponentNamespace​(String appName, String moduleName, String componentId, boolean treatComponentAsModule, Collection<? extends JNDIBinding> bindings)
      This method enumerates the env properties, ejb and resource references etc for a J2EE component and binds them in the applicable java: namespace.
      void bindToModuleNamespace​(String appName, String moduleName, Collection<? extends JNDIBinding> bindings)
      Binds the bindings to module namespace of an application
      Typically, to get access to application's module namespace, invocation context must be set to appropriate application's context.
      This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish need to bind the objects in application's module name-space and do not have application's invocation context
      Context getInitialContext()
      Get the initial context.
      Remote initializeRemoteNamingSupport​(org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb)
      Initialize RMI-IIOP naming services
      Object lookup​(String componentId, String name)
      Lookup a naming entry for a particular componentId
      Object lookupFromAppNamespace​(String appName, String name, Hashtable env)
      Lookup a naming entry in a particular application's namespace
      Object lookupFromModuleNamespace​(String appName, String moduleName, String name, Hashtable env)
      Lookup a naming entry in a particular application's module's namespace
      void publishCosNamingObject​(String name, Object obj, boolean rebind)
      Publish a CosNaming object.
      void publishObject​(String name, Object obj, boolean rebind)
      Publish an object in the naming service.
      void publishObject​(Name name, Object obj, boolean rebind)
      Publish an object in the naming service.
      Context restoreJavaCompEnvContext​(String contextName)
      Recreate a context for java:comp/env or one of its sub-contexts given the context name.
      void unbindAppObject​(String appName, String name)
      Remove an object from the application's namespace.
      Typically, to get access to application's namespace, invocation context must be set to appropriate application's context.
      This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish need to unbind the objects in application's name-space and do not have application's invocation context
      void unbindAppObjects​(String appName)
      Unbind app and module level bindings for the given app name.
      void unbindComponentObjects​(String componentId)
      Unbind component-level bindings
      void unbindModuleObject​(String appName, String moduleName, String name)
      Remove an object from the module name-space of an application
      Typically, to get access to application's module namespace, invocation context must be set to appropriate application's context.
      This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish need to unbind the objects in application's module name-space and do not have application's invocation context
      void unpublishCosNamingObject​(String name)
      Remove an object from the CosNaming service and global naming service.
      void unpublishObject​(String name)
      Remove an object from the naming service.
      void unpublishObject​(Name name)
      Remove an object from the naming service.
    • Method Detail

      • getInitialContext

        Context getInitialContext()
        Get the initial context.
      • lookupFromAppNamespace

        Object lookupFromAppNamespace​(String appName,
                                      String name,
                                      Hashtable env)
                               throws NamingException
        Lookup a naming entry in a particular application's namespace
        appName - application-name
        name - name of the object
        env - Environment
        Object found by the name
        NamingException - when unable to find the object
      • lookupFromModuleNamespace

        Object lookupFromModuleNamespace​(String appName,
                                         String moduleName,
                                         String name,
                                         Hashtable env)
                                  throws NamingException
        Lookup a naming entry in a particular application's module's namespace
        appName - application-name
        moduleName - module-name
        name - name of the object
        env - Environment
        Object found by the name
        NamingException - when unable to find the object
      • publishObject

        void publishObject​(String name,
                           Object obj,
                           boolean rebind)
                    throws NamingException
        Publish an object in the naming service.
        name - Object that needs to be bound.
        obj - Name that the object is bound as.
        rebind - operation is a bind or a rebind.
      • publishObject

        void publishObject​(Name name,
                           Object obj,
                           boolean rebind)
                    throws NamingException
        Publish an object in the naming service.
        name - Object that needs to be bound.
        obj - Name that the object is bound as.
        rebind - operation is a bind or a rebind.
      • publishCosNamingObject

        void publishCosNamingObject​(String name,
                                    Object obj,
                                    boolean rebind)
                             throws NamingException
        Publish a CosNaming object. The object is published to both the server's CosNaming service and the global naming service. Objects published with this method must be unpublished via unpublishCosNamingObject.
        name - Object that needs to be bound.
        obj - Name that the object is bound as.
        rebind - operation is a bind or a rebind.
      • bindToComponentNamespace

        void bindToComponentNamespace​(String appName,
                                      String moduleName,
                                      String componentId,
                                      boolean treatComponentAsModule,
                                      Collection<? extends JNDIBinding> bindings)
                               throws NamingException
        This method enumerates the env properties, ejb and resource references etc for a J2EE component and binds them in the applicable java: namespace.
        treatComponentAsModule - true if java:comp and java:module refer to the same namespace
      • bindToAppNamespace

        void bindToAppNamespace​(String appName,
                                Collection<? extends JNDIBinding> bindings)
                         throws NamingException
        Binds the bindings to module namespace of an application
        Typically, to get access to application's namespace, invocation context must be set to appropriate application's context.
        This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish need to bind the objects in application's name-space and do not have application's invocation context
        appName - application-name
        bindings - list of bindings
        NamingException - when unable to bind the bindings
      • bindToModuleNamespace

        void bindToModuleNamespace​(String appName,
                                   String moduleName,
                                   Collection<? extends JNDIBinding> bindings)
                            throws NamingException
        Binds the bindings to module namespace of an application
        Typically, to get access to application's module namespace, invocation context must be set to appropriate application's context.
        This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish need to bind the objects in application's module name-space and do not have application's invocation context
        appName - application-name
        moduleName - module-name
        bindings - list of bindings
        NamingException - when unable to bind the bindings
      • unpublishCosNamingObject

        void unpublishCosNamingObject​(String name)
                               throws NamingException
        Remove an object from the CosNaming service and global naming service.
        name - Name that the object is bound as.
      • unbindAppObject

        void unbindAppObject​(String appName,
                             String name)
                      throws NamingException
        Remove an object from the application's namespace.
        Typically, to get access to application's namespace, invocation context must be set to appropriate application's context.
        This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish need to unbind the objects in application's name-space and do not have application's invocation context
        name - Name that the object is bound as.
        appName - application-name
        NamingException - when unable to unbind the object
      • unbindModuleObject

        void unbindModuleObject​(String appName,
                                String moduleName,
                                String name)
                         throws NamingException
        Remove an object from the module name-space of an application
        Typically, to get access to application's module namespace, invocation context must be set to appropriate application's context.
        This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish need to unbind the objects in application's module name-space and do not have application's invocation context
        name - Name that the object is bound as.
        appName - application-name
        moduleName - module-name
        NamingException - when unable to unbind the object
      • restoreJavaCompEnvContext

        Context restoreJavaCompEnvContext​(String contextName)
                                   throws NamingException
        Recreate a context for java:comp/env or one of its sub-contexts given the context name.
      • initializeRemoteNamingSupport

        Remote initializeRemoteNamingSupport​(org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb)
                                      throws NamingException
        Initialize RMI-IIOP naming services
        orb -
        RemoteSerialProvider object instance