Class ACCModulesManager

  • public class ACCModulesManager
    extends Object
    Encapsulates details of preparing the HK2 habitat while also providing a "main" HK2 module the HK2 bootstrap logic can start.

    The HK2 habitat must be initialized before any AppClientContainer can be created, because each ACC is an HK2 service so it can use injection. The AppClientContainerBuilder uses the habitat directly (without injection) to create new ACCs. Part of initializing the habitat involves (at least currently) finding and starting a "main HK2 module." This class serves that purpose, even though this class is not the main program. To support embedded ACCs we do not assume we provide the actual main program, but we seem to need to offer a main module to HK2. So this class implements ModuleStartup even though it does little.
