Class FacadeLaunchable

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class FacadeLaunchable
    extends Object
    Represents a generated JAR created during deployment corresponding to the developer's original app client JAR or EAR. Even if the facade object represents an EAR facade, it uses the caller-supplied main class name and/or caller-supplied app client name to select one of the app client facades listed in the group facade. That is, once fully initialized, a given Facade instance represents the single app client to be launched.
    • Field Detail


        public static final Attributes.Name GLASSFISH_APPCLIENT_GROUP
        name of a manifest entry in an EAR facade listing the URIs of the individual app client facades in the group

        public static final Attributes.Name GLASSFISH_APPCLIENT_MAIN_CLASS
        name of a manifest entry in an app client facade indicating the app client's main class

        public static final Attributes.Name GLASSFISH_APPCLIENT
        name of a manifest entry in an app client facade listing the URI of the developer's original app client JAR

        public static final Attributes.Name GLASSFISH_APP_NAME
        name of manifest entry in facade conveying the app name